Boutique. Traditional. Far-sighted.

Directed by nature... The mountains you like home? You prefer the tranquility against the bustle? eva, GARDEN offers uniqueness instead of mass.
It's all about people, lifestyle & heartiness. Wake up in the hideaway, open the balcony door and inhale the fresh mountain air! Whether hiking, biking or feel-good holidaymakers - everybody is welcome at the eva,GARDEN, who wants to have a great time among casual people in Saalbach.

Nature says hello.

Athlete power breakfast or chill-out breakfast? Everyone has to recharge their batteries in the morning - because a day in the Saalbacher mountains is waiting for you. In eva, GARDEN.
Swing your skir out of the front door or start directly from the Bike-Garage. Sweat  in the Finnish sauna. Live in alpine country house style and have traditional delicacies. Relax, sport, enjoy, après-skiing or pre-sleeping.

Whatever you have on your plan, you are welcome to join us.

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Enjoy a week in the middle of nature and the wonderful valley Saalbach Hinterglemm! You live 7 or more nights in eva,GARDEN. Relax in a quiet atmosphere, and enjoy your time out off stress and daily business.